
Add image to hugo site


Github actions

github actions

Go hello world with regex

go regex ImagePolicy fluxcd

dotnet scrips

dotnet script csx

Git stash - and patch

git stash save diff

Install azcopy in windows from powershell

azcopy windows powershell

Getting started - React web app - PWA

react web app PWA progressive web app standalone

VS Code - include file output

vscode file output

New typescript project

typescript getting started

Python OOP console app


redis-cli cheatsheet

redis cli

Run LLM locally

LLM autohotkey

Git - forget a file and ignore

git forget

Git push from script

git git push script

Docker in Mac with Colima

docker mac colima

Send email from bash in Linux

bash email

AWS CLI cheatsheet

aws aws cli cheatsheet

Tools catalog

tools catalog

Multiple SSH Keys settings for different github account

ssh github

Configure AWS CLI

aws cli authentication

Run Trivy from docker on Mac

mac trivy docker

Vulnerability scan with Trivy

Trivy vulnerability scan

Mac environment variable

mac environment

Java overview


Architecture principles


Solution Architecture assessment


Databricks submit jar


dotnet Software engineer interview questions

interview dotnet engineer

Architecture interview questions

architecture interview

Run MSSQL 2019 on Kubernetes

mssql 2019 kubernetes

Scala hello Futures

scala Future

Synapse sql pools credentials

synapse sqlpools

Spark with scala

scala spark

Spark with delta lake

scala spark delta lake

Kafka Avro Consumer issue workaround

kafka avro dotnet

Run Kafka locally with docker compose


Scala hello world web api with http4s

scala http4s webapi

Run Jupyter notebook with spark in docker

spark jupyter docker

Install spark and hadoop in Windows 10

spark hadoop windows

Recover lost `PATH` variable

cheatsheet PATH

7zip command line


Git sparse-checkout

git sparse-checkout

Install dotnet localhost ssl certificate for development

dotnet ssl certificate

Auto hot key to customize keyboard strokes

keyboard autohotkey

Scala up and running


Run MSSQL server in docker inside vagrant (ubuntu) VM

elasticsearch docker vagrant

Aspnet website in docker in windows, IIS and self-signed certificate

aspnet 4.7 docker IIS SSL selfsigned certificate

Use sqlcmd cli tool

mssql mssql-tools sqlcmd cli

Query sql server from powershell

mssql powershell sqlcmd cli

Powershell cheatsheet

powershell cheatsheet

Install sql server unattended from Powershell

mssqlserver powershell

Simplest html empty file

html template

Run MSSQL 2017 server in docker for windows

mssql 2017 docker windows

MSSQL Server 2019 docker image for windows

mssql 2019 docker windows

Run MSSQL server in docker inside vagrant (ubuntu) VM

mssql docker vagrant

MySql/MariaDb command line cheatsheet

MySql MariaDb cheatsheet

Good reads. Well explained miscelanea subjects

links good reads resources

Simplest single-client TCP client and server

TCP net core 3.1

Azure function for CosmosDb Changefeed.

azure function changefeed cosmosdb

Azure function with docker

azure function docker

Azure DevOps yaml pipeline cheatsheet

azure devops cheatsheet

Passing arguments to scripts (both `bat` and `bash`)

command line bat bash

Curl azure app service with AAD auth

azure curl

Dotnet Core 3.1 appsettings mapping with IOptions, IOptionsSnapshot and IOptionsMonitor

dotnet core appsettings

JMeter command line - Links

jmeter links

Bundling and minification in Aspnet Core MVC

aspnet core bundling minification

Very basic logging to console from netcore webapi with Serilog

aspnet core 3.1 serilog elasticsearch

Build native mobile packages from html/css/js app with PhoneGap Build cloud service

vagrant phonegap

Setup aspnet core app with vagrant and docker

aspnet core docker vagrant

Deploy dotnet core app to heroku

aspnet core heroku

Kubernetes (1.7) commands cheatsheet

kubernetes cheatsheet kubectl

Helm 3 commands cheatsheet

helm cheatsheet

Docker compose

docker-compose cheatsheet

Docker cheatsheet

docker docker-compose cheatsheet

Dotnet 3.1 appsettings & env variables

dotnet core 3.1 appsettings

Very basic logging to console from netcore webapi with Serilog

aspnet core serilog

Very basic logging to file from Console app with Serilog

dotnet core serilog

Configure a rewrite url in web.config, for IIS hosted apps

azure iis

ILogger<TCategory> with azure app service Application Insights, plus Live Metrics

azure application insights live metrics aspnet core 3.1

Basics of .Net Core 3.1 ILogger<TCategory>

aspnet core 3.1

Azure Managed Identity token with cURL

curl azure cheatsheet managed Id

cURL usefull commands cheatsheet

curl cheatsheet

Create file from command line in Windows

command line cheatsheet

Python data science cheatsheet

python cheatsheet

Nuget.config file

nuget.config cheatsheet

Enable app service healthcheck from az CLI


Azure App Configuration refresh on demand

azure app configuration

Azure Api App failing on startup with 500.30

azure troubleshooting

Handling parallel exceptions in dotnet

dotnet core 3.1

Azure App Configuration with Key Vault and Managed Identity in HA

azure app configuration

Basic usage IHttpClientFactory

netcore 3.1

Change directory to different drive in Windows cmd

command line cheatsheet

A cool terminal for windows with context menu

command line getting started

Kusto cheatsheet

azure application insights kusto cheatsheet

Vagrant VM provision & vagrant commands cheathsheet

vagrant getting started cheatsheet

Create dotnet core sln with class library plus xunit tests with cli for vscode

dotnet core xunit vscode

Voice commands assistant in node

raspberry pi

Simplest node express web API

node getting started docker

Simplest node express static files server

node docker

Mortgage simulator in python
