Kubernetes (1.7) commands cheatsheet
Version: 1.6
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config delete-context CONTEXT_NAME
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=NAMESPACE
kubectl config use-context CONTEXT_NAME
Run pod from image
kubectl run NAME --image=image [--env="key=value"]
Get info
kubectl get pods [-o wide]
kubectl describe service SERVICE_NAME
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME
Delete all pods with a label
kubectl delete pods -l label=value
Delete all pods in a specific state pods, in Linux
E.g., STATE=Evicted
kubectl get pod | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kubectl delete pod
Set namespace for kubectl console session
kubectl config set-context --current -n=<NAMESPACE>
Validate deployment before actually applying it
kubectl apply --dry-run=client -f deployment.yaml
Deploy a service and watch process
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl get service <SERVICE-NAME> [--watch]
Bash into k8s existing pod
kubectl exec -it <POD-NAME> -- /bin/bash
Bash into k8s existing pod to troubleshoot
Create an ephemeral container in the existing pod
kubectl debug <POD_NAME> -it --image=<IMAGE_NAME>
# e.g. with simplest alpine busybox
kubectl debug <POD_NAME> -it --image=busybox
Run pod with curl, to access the network.
Then wget
a url and print result in terminal (curl
is not included in alpine)
kubectl run --rm -it --image=alpine disposable-curl-pod
# wget -qO-
To install curl, just
apk --no-cache add curl
Or just
kubectl run disposable-curl-pod --image=radial/busyboxplus:curl -it --rm
Forward ClusterIP service port in k8s cluster to local port
kubectl port-forward service/[SERVICE_NAME] [HOST_PORT]:[POD_PORT]
kubectl port-forward pod/[POD_NAME] [HOST_PORT]:[POD_PORT]
DNS service info
kubectl get services kube-dns --namespace=kube-system
Troubleshoot crash on startup
kubectl get pod [POD_NAME] --output=[yaml/json]
kubectl logs [POD_NAME]
kubectl describe [POD_NAME]
If it already exited, add -p
kubectl logs [POD_NAME] -p
Logs of specific container inside the pod, e.g., from the initContainer
kubectl logs [POD_NAME] -c [CONTAINER_NAME]
List all resources
kubectl api-resources --verbs=list --namespaced -o wide
Get info about resources to deploy
This is quite relevant, as with new versions there are important changes
kubectl explain <RESOURCE>.<PATH>.<TO>.<ITEM>
// e.g:
kubectl explain ingress.spec.rules.http
Cleanup k8s resources
Just delete the namespace(s) and everything under it will be deleted. Deletion is async, so namespaces appears as Terminating for some time.
kubectl delete namespace NAMESPACE_NAME
A service url
Given cluster.local
is the cluster domain (the default), a service can be resolved at:
If the client is in the same namespace, only service-name
is enough.
Details here https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/
Set EKS connection in profile
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <EKS_CLUSTER> --alias <CLUSTER_LOCAL_ALIAS> --profile <AWS_PROFILE>